Victoire Groupe

Victoire Groupe

Procurement & Buying House

Sourcing Made Easier by Experts

With twenty years of cumulative experience with government agencies, corporate and private sector, government agencies, as well than humanitarian organizations, VICTOIRE group has developed an ability to manage the overall buying process.

We are a buying house. Victoire was born to bring together in a think-tank the knowledge and experience of a team of experts able to create and provide appropriate solutions to a wide variety of logistical issues.

In the highly competitive global procurement landscape, it is a well-established fact that China procurement presents unmatched purchasing opportunities for businesses across the world. However, companies trying hard to deal with China directly have discovered that there are many pitfalls and the cost savings they had thought of is oftentimes nowhere in sight. In fact, they end up fighting cultural differences and communication issues amongst many other complications which may arise while they choose China as a low cost country sourcing option.

Developing a sourcing strategy is crucial to establish a process and also realize the expected benefits . Depending on your needs, you can choose a supplier development approach or even a more traditional competitive tender strategy. Either way, you will require the services of an experienced company for vendor selection and contracting. There are a number of non-price factors which will help drive your supplier selection decision and only an experienced Chinese based procurementservice provider can help evaluate all these factors. (quality, delivery, innovation,…). They will help convey the expected performance and service levels requirements of their clients to the suppliers while also updating the suppliers about the consequences of non compliance. They follow a disciplined approach so your relationship with Chinese suppliers can be structured for maximum benefits.